Fostering health, wellness
& healing in the inner-city.
The Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) is a community organization that fosters health, wellness and healing in the inner-city by organizing for social change, cultivating the arts, and operating a holistic health center.
Our Holistic Approach
IMAN models an integrative approach that employs holistic interventions to address a spectrum of structural and systemic injustices impeding a dignified quality of life for people in marginalized communities.
Are you a patient at the
IMAN Health Center?
News & Updates
2010 Census: standing Up and Getting Counted
by Aquil Charlton In 2000, less than 50% of Chicago Lawn residents returned their Census forms to the U.S. Census Bureau. Since Census data is used to determine allocations of federal funds to the state of Illinois, which then allocates the funds to our communities, the low response rate translated to fewer dollars for federally […]
Illinois Muslim Action Day – 2010
by Hazel Gomez IMAN leaders joined over 1,200 Muslims on Thursday, April 22, for Illinois Muslim Action Day in Springfield to advocate for issues that are important to our communities. Organized by the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC), the event provided a great way for Muslims to be involved in the Illinois […]
Moving the Debate on Immigration Reform
by Fatima Bahloul, Gemali Ibrahim, and Haroon Najam In April’s Community Forum, attendees learned and discussed how particular legal policies regarding immigration, detention, and surveillance affect communities. The forum was part of IMAN’s efforts to connect communities and their issues in order to promote human rights and racial equity for all and, in particular, to […]