Uniting Our Faiths, Values and Struggles
I feel it is extremely imperative that we as people understand the importance of uniting our faiths, values, and struggles. We become more powerful when we work together as one collective unit. Through this journey, I am constantly reminded of teachings from my faith. “When the people become one…….nothing shall be impossible to them.” And how else do we learn to become one, than sharing our struggles and connecting our experiences, across race, religion, ethnic background, social-economic status, and any other stigma that attempts to separate. We must find a way to rise above just caring about our own issues and join together; not only in the struggle for Immigrant rights but in the ultimate struggle and that is for Human Rights. I am here because I believe that this is one piece in an enormous puzzle. We must do what we can to ensure that all people regardless of who they are or where they come from, receive the rights that are due to us all, as human beings.