Fostering health, wellness
& healing in the inner-city.
The Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) is a community organization that fosters health, wellness and healing in the inner-city by organizing for social change, cultivating the arts, and operating a holistic health center.

Our Holistic Approach
IMAN models an integrative approach that employs holistic interventions to address a spectrum of structural and systemic injustices impeding a dignified quality of life for people in marginalized communities.
Are you a patient at the
IMAN Health Center?

News & Updates

IMAN’s Alia J. Bilal named among 2024 Leaders for a New Chicago
The Field Foundation of Illinois, in partnership with The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, have made the exciting announcement today that they have chosen IMAN Chief Executive Director Alia J. Bilal as one of the ten recipients of their prestigious 2024 Leaders for a New Chicago Award! Along with helping to lead IMAN’s […]

Praying for liberation, redemption, and freedom.
Two weeks ago, several IMAN staff members and 25 other community and faith leaders, artists, and activists embarked on IMAN’s inaugural Black Jerusalem journey.

“Metro Atlanta center helps formerly incarcerated people with jobs, housing, therapy”
Metro Atlanta center helps formerly incarcerated people with jobs, housing, therapy Eddie Smith needed a clean start after 30 years in prison. He was initially locked up as a teenager. He’s now in the Green Reentry program at the Inner-City Muslim Action Network, or IMAN. He does maintenance work and mentorship at the center, […]