Organizing & Advocacy
We mobilize diverse communities around issues directly affecting individuals and families in the inner-city.
Deeply rooted in spiritual tradition and broadly informed by past and present social movements and struggles
IMAN is doubling down on its support of local food providers, while opening up additional outlets for residents to access nutritious goods.
IMAN organizers and community members continue to amend state legislation and ease some restrictions placed upon returning citizens.
Learn about our partners and alliances.
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News & Updates

A Reflection on Martin Luther King Jr & Muhammad Ali Day
This past Friday, a group of IMAN staff, leaders, and community members from all backgrounds gathered together in the center of a new building on our IMAN Campus on Chicago Lawn to collectively pray and hold remembrance for the Divine together, Black, Latino, brown, white faces all in attendance. The following is an excerpt of […]

Not Normal
“None of this sh#% should be normal,” she exclaimed as we sat together in my car on a cold Chicago night in front of the University of Chicago Emergency Room waiting to hear news about her brother after a bullet had entered his head. “Babies in the car, for God’s sake; babies were in the car! It’s […]

A Historic Win for Police Accountability in Chicago!
After five years of intense community conversations, city council advocacy and critical negotiation, IMAN and its partners have finally passed the most robust police oversight legislation in the country–a new joint ordinance called the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability! Though police reform efforts have been ongoing since before Dr. King’s time in Chicago, […]